MATLAB Individual Edition and MATLAB Parallel Server are available on all nodes of the cluster.


MATLAB can be used through the following methods:

  • Using a Graphical User Interface through X11 forwarding

  • Using a command-line/nodisplay MATLAB session

  • Executing MATLAB scripts as batch jobs

  • Using MATLAB Parallel Server to distribute computations

Graphical User Interface Session

To initiate a Graphical User Interface session, connect to the login node or a node which is allocated to you with X11 Forwarding enabled (please Login and access the internal site for instructions on this). Assuming that you have set up an ssh host named lovelace referring to the login node and you are on a supported platform, simply run:

ssh -XY lovelace
module load matlab_parallel_server

Command-Line Session

To load MATLAB and initiate a command-line session on a compute node, run:

module load matlab_parallel_server
srun --pty matlab -nodisplay

MATLAB Script as Batch Job

To run a MATLAB script as a batch job you may, for example, create a script called hello.m containing the following text (or any other script you might write):

disp('Hello, World!')

You may then run this script on a compute node as follows:

module load matlab_parallel_server
srun matlab -nodisplay < hello.m