
Singularity is a container platform designed with a focus on integration (interacting with host system) and ease-of-use particularity in a HPC environment with a shared filesystem. Singularity, by default, uses images in the ‘Singularity Image Format’ (SIF). Singularity also supports images in the Open Container Initiative (OCI) format among others.

To get more information about Singularity, the following manual pages are available:

man singularity
man singularity-run
man singularity-exec
man singularity-build

Building and Using Containers with Singularity

With Singularity, containers can be be built either by building using a Singularity Definition File (which defines the steps to build the container) or, by importing from an existing container in an alternative format.

The general format to building a container from a definiton file with Singularity is:

singularity build --fakeroot SIF_FILE_NAME DEFINTION_FILE_NAME

The general format to converting an image from a container registry (such as DockerHub) is:

singularity build SIF_FILE_NAME docker://SIF_FILE_PATH

The general format to running a container interactively is:

singularity run SIF_FILE_NAME

The general format to running a command in a container non-interactively is:

singularity exec SIF_FILE_NAME COMMAND ARGS...

The general format to running a container interactively with a GPU is (note that this must be ran on a GPU node):

singularity run --nv SIF_FILE_NAME

The general format to running a command in a container non-interactively with a GPU is (note that this must be ran on a GPU node):

singularity exec --nv SIF_FILE_NAME COMMAND ARGS...

These commands can be included on job submission scripts. Some specific examples of building containers with Singularity are given below.

Build and Use a Container with Tensorflow and Various Python Packages

This examples extends the SIF image provided by the HPC Admin Team (itself based on the tensorflow/tensorflow image on DockerHub) by installing various Python packages inside it.

Bootstrap: localimage
From: /users/lico/container/tensorflow-2.17.0-gpu.image

     pip install pandas matplotlib scikit-learn pyyaml keras biopython numba viennarna keras_tuner

Assuming a file containing the above is saved as tensorflow-plus.def, the container can be built with:

singularity build --fakeroot tensorflow-plus.sif tensorflow-plus.def

The container can then be executed with:

singularity run tensorflow-plus.sif

If you have a python script in your home folder called, you could create (and submit – see Accessing Compute Resources) a job file such as the following to run the python script in the container on a CPU node. The following example assumes that both the SIF image and script are saved in your home folder.

#SBATCH -p cpu

singularity exec tensorflow-plus.sif python3

To run the same python script on a GPU node with a GPU available, you could use the following

#SBATCH -p gpu_l40s
#SBATCH --gpus 1

singularity exec --nv tensorflow-plus.sif python3

Note the use of the --nv option.

Build a Container from Rocky Linux 9 with Python and requirements.txt

To build a container from Rocky Linux 9 (functionally equivalent to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9) and, install Python and arbitrary Python packages according to a requirements.txt file (in the same folder as the Singularity definition file below), use the definition file below.

Bootstrap: docker
From: rockylinux:9

     requirements.txt /requirements.txt

     dnf install -y python3 python3-pip
     python3 -m pip install -r /requirements.txt

To import the texlive/texlive image from DockerHub:

singularity build texlive.sif docker://texlive/texlive